Welcome to Teochew Cuisine Restaurant

The Origin

Easily the most famous of the Chinese cuisines, Teochew cuisine originates from Chaoshan, a region of China in the easternmost area of the Guangdong Province. Teochew cuisine is particularly well known for its seafood dishes and is often regarded as being very healthy. Its use of flavouring is much less heavy-handed than most other Chinese cuisines and depends much on the freshness and quality of the ingredients for taste and flavour.



"We are open at" [Bukit Batok 10AM to 4AM, Toa Payoh                           武吉巴督,大巴窑 Monday - Sunday 24 hours               周一至周日,24小时营业

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Make sure you book your place in advance for the best experience possible.                               为了确保您最好的用餐体验,请提前预定您的位置。

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In our menu, you can find all the authentic Teochew dish you're craving for.                                     在我们的菜单中,您可以找到所有让您垂涎欲滴的正宗潮州菜。


Our PlaceOur Restaurant" Our chef are specially selected from Teochew of China, under the guidance of Master Xu YongQiang. One of the 8th renowned chef of China. Starting from our popular Teochew-style steamed fish, Teochew Cold Crab and Braised Duck, with the addition of Imperial Pot, Taiji Mould . Not forgetting to end with strong Tieguanyin Chinese tea to help digestion.


我们 的厨师都是根据徐永强师傅的标准,专门从中国潮州聘请来的。徐永强师傅是中国八大知名的主厨之一,以潮州菜为强项。来到潮州菜馆,首先要品尝我们最受好评的潮州蒸鱼,潮州冻螃蟹以及卤水鸭,千万不要错过的是我们的特色招牌菜——景泰蓝火锅炉和太极羹。最后,别忘了来一杯铁观音茶来帮助消化


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